Monthly Archives: February 2013

Book Review – Tuesdays With Morrie

ImageThe most awesome of the books are the one that you find in complete randomness. Well this is the second such book for me and i would be extremely Thankful of Nimue for suggesting me this book and wow… What a delightful and an Amazing read this was.

The book is about Morrie Schwartz, a professor, who has been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and is dying. A former student, Mitch, who had become a well known sports writer, heard about his teacher from an interview with Ted Koppel on Nightline and decides to pay him a visit. This visit soon turns into regular meetings – on Tuesdays – since at the time there was a strike at Albom’s newspaper. Albom plots Morrie’s declining health, which is quite depressing, but at the same time imparts Morrie’s wisdom. One definitely can get a sense of what the important things in life are from someone who has little left, but Morrie is particularly eloquent and seems to carry an upbeat dignity to the end.

This book is a best seller and continues to stay on the best seller list because in my opinion most people down deep understand the truth of Morrie’s basic philosophy. There is a positive energy the readers get even when they know that Morrie is gonna die in the end. The spirit, the wisdom which we seeks is beyond the lengths and Borders which any text book could even Reach

A lesson on life, friendship, love, compassion, forgiveness, and much much more. A lesson that humans world wide should learn. Perhaps if we did, the world wouldn’t be in such a mess as it is.

I shall be indebted to the lessons on Forgiveness for it inspired my life to a large extent. How we all wish we had a teacher, a friend a coach in our lives.

Today I Sing…

Let me Sing, Let me be ME

Today I sing
A lullaby to make a child sleep
A sonnet to make a heart beat
A Melancholy cry to make you weep
A Ballad to make you fall in love
Today I sing a song
To let the world know my existence
Today i sing a song
To free myself from handcuffs of Silence